

Saturday 7 October 2017

How to Approach a Girl For The First Time And Win her Over

Do you want to talk to a girl you don’t know? Here are few sure fire ways on how to approach a girl that will definitely help you make a great first impression.
Many guys find it difficult approaching a lady which I will say shouldn't be. Most guys approach ladies but with the wrong methodology and this is why they get a NO for an answer.
There are certain things to put in place via observation and study of the lady in question.
Walking up to a girl you’ve never spoken to before is like taking a dip in icy water.
It makes you nervous.
Your heart starts beating faster than you can count.
And your stomach inches closer to your tongue with each step you take.
But as a guy, knowing how to approach a girl is one of the most important things to know in the dating world.
Now I’m not going to make this any more difficult than you already assume it to be.
Yes, talking to a girl who’s a stranger is not easy.
But then again, if you know just how to do it without appearing like you’re picking her up, you’ll realize just how easy the whole game can be.
How to approach a girl you don’t know
Forget pick up lines, forget bumping into her, and every other *smart* move you’ve heard.
I’ll teach you to keep it simple, and help you win her heart even before you say ‘hello’.
Here’s the only tip that matters and you need to remember it for the rest of your dating life. Always let the girl know you want to talk to her before you even talk to her. Don’t make the mistake of approaching a girl out of the blue and asking her out. It almost always never works, unless you’re a smooth talker with the gift of gab.
If you’re a regular joe who wants to turn into a chick magnet, just follow these steps and you’ll win her attention before you finish your drink!

1. Getting her attention :
You need to let the girl know you’re going to approach her. So warm her up to that idea to begin with by using these steps.

I) Glance at her.
Look at her now and then just to let her know that you’re trying to catch her attention. Be sneaky and discreet, and always look away just as soon as she catches your eye. You’ll arouse her curiosity and that’ll force her to look at you now and then to see if you’re still watching her.

II) The eye contact.
Each time she looks at you, look at her and immediately look away sheepishly. Continue to look at her now and then, and once in a while, lock your gaze at her for a small fraction of a second and look away again. By doing this, you’re already building the sexual attraction. But if she doesn’t reciprocate here, she’s probably not interested in you.

III) Appear awkward.
If you’re with your friends, look at her now and then, but appear like your distracted and not able to focus on the conversation you’re having with your friends. By doing that, you’re making her see that she’s on your mind and you’re too distracted to focus on your friends. That’s subtle flattery!

IV) Smile at her.
Exchange eye contact now and then, one or two times every minute and no more than that, and when you feel pretty courageous, flash a tiny smile from the corner of your lip for a second, and let her notice your smile.
Don’t give her a big grin though, a malicious big grin at this stage will scare any girl away.
These moves are all about building the connection and letting her know you’re interested in her. And at the same time, it’ll also help you understand if she too is really interested in you. If she responds to your gestures similarly, it’s a sign that she’s interested in talking to you too.
But if she starts ignoring you at any point here, she’s probably not interested in you and you need to make your luck somewhere else.

2. How to start talking to the girl
Now that you’ve built the attraction and the chemistry, all you need to do is walk up to her and say something. Use these tips to approach her and start the right conversation.

V) Waiting for the moment.
Sometimes, all you need to do is wait for the girl to give you a chance to talk to her. If she’s really interested in you and wants to talk to you, she’d create enough opportunities for you to walk up to her. She could do this by walking to the ladies room alone, stepping away from her friends by answering a phone call, or even by just smiling at you and leaving the place.
It’s always easier to talk to a girl when she’s by herself. There are no distractions from her friends or awkward moments because she’s already expecting you to approach her. [Read: Things you can say to a girl while talking to her for the first time.

VI) Picking her up from afar.
Gesticulate. Use the right gestures to get her attention. This is tricky, but as long as you get the message across, it’ll still work as long as you do it confidently.
Look straight at her, and smile. Jerk your neck sideways just a little bit after you lock your eyes with her, and using your eyes, point her to the bar counter or some exit. Even if she doesn’t get it, you can walk up to the place you were pointing at by yourself, and she’ll know what you mean.
Not all girls may appreciate you gesticulating at her and asking her to walk up to you, but if you’ve built the chemistry from afar, she'd be more than happy to get away from her friends and give you a chance to talk to her.

VII) The group of girls.
Walk up to her with your gaze fixed on her confidently. Walk right into the herd, but look straight at her and only her. Look at anyone else, and the envious friends would pounce on you with snide remarks because you didn’t pick them to flirt with.
“Hey… I really don’t mean to interrupt you girls, but could I speak with you for a minute? I just won’t be able to forgive myself if I left this place without getting to know you…”
Use any line you want and it’ll work as long as you say it firmly, but remember to make her feel special by saying something that reveals how badly you want to get to know her. And unless her friends seem to take your side by nudging her towards you or by smiling widely, completely avoid looking at them. You’d only be asking for trouble.

VIII) Buy her a drink.
This is something that can work very well at a bar, as long as you’ve already built the eye staring up and roused her interest. Buy her the same drink she’s already having, and ask the waiter to offer it to her. The waiter will probably drop a corny and grand message like “the gentleman sitting over there would like to offer you this drink…”
When she accepts the drink and looks towards you smiling, that’s your cue. Don’t wait any longer or she’ll think you’re a coward. But if you buy her a drink without building the connection first, you’ll just come off as a creepy guy.

IX) A twosome.
If there are just two girls, walk right up to them while staring at the girl you like. If the girl’s interested in you too, her friend will slip away quietly with an excuse. But even if the friend decides to stay, just introduce yourself and say something similar to the line used in VII. But this time, include the girl’s friend in your conversation and make her feel good about herself too. But don’t forget to keep the focus on the girl you like!
Keep these conversation moves in mind and it’ll definitely do you good. But if you want to make sure it works all the time, build the tension and the mystery first with your glances and your eye contact. You’ll always end up impressing the girl even before you approach her.
Use these tips on how to approach a girl you don’t know and with a few attempts, you’ll have no trouble walking up to any girl you like and impressing her within minutes of making eye contact with her!

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