

Monday 9 October 2017

How to Prevent Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are scars that appear on your skin due to sudden changes in body size. This usually happens during pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, and puberty.
However, stretch marks are not caused only by overstretching of skin. Certain factors, such as a genetic predisposition, can increase your likelihood of developing stretch marks.
Nevertheless, you can take some preventive steps to try to avoid this problem. The best course of action is to keep your skin healthy and hydrated to improve its elasticity . There are many additional steps you can take to minimize the chances of such marks appearing.
Here are the top 10 tips to help prevent stretch marks.

1. Apply coconut oil
Using coconut oil is perhaps the best natural way to keep your skin moisturized.
1. Rub coconut oil generously on your skin.
2. Massage the area to aid absorption into the skin.
3. Do this two or three times a day.
If you do not have coconut oil, you can use olive oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado oil, emu oil, or just some baby oil.

2. Use castor oil packs
Expectant mothers often are advised to use castor oil to prevent stretch marks. People have used castor oil to prevent and reduce fine lines, winkles, spots, blemishes, and other skin problems for ages. It works as a humectant, helping your skin retain moisture.

1. Apply a thick layer of castor oil on your skin.
2. Wrap the area with plastic wrap or saran wrap.
3. Apply heat with a heating pad or hot water bottle for at least 20 minutes.
4. Repeat the process daily or several times a week.
If you want to thin the oil, combine one tablespoon of castor oil with two tablespoons of sweet almond oil and then apply the mixture.

3. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help keep your skin hydrated. This keeps your skin supple and helps maintain elasticity, thereby making your skin layers less prone to tearing. For best results, drink at least two liters of water each day.

4. Enjoy a nutritious diet
Eat a balanced and nutritious diet that is rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, silica, and other nutrients to nourish your skin. Vitamin C, in particular, is essential for regenerating connective tissue.
Minerals like zinc and silica are also useful, as zinc helps in collagen synthesis and silica helps produce collagen. So, include a variety of foods such as strawberries, blueberries, spinach, carrots, green beans, collard greens, nuts and seeds in your diet.

5. Stock up on vitamin E
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the collagen fibers in your skin from damage due to free radicals. This keeps the collagen fibers strong and promotes skin elasticity
To get the maximum benefit, eat foods high in vitamin E (almonds, olives, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, pumpkins, etc.) and massage your skin with vitamin E oil or cream several times a day. You can take vitamin E oral supplements as well.

6. Moisturize with oil blends
You can create some interesting oil blends by combining different essential and base oils and using them to moisturize your skin.
Combine one cup each of olive oil and coconut oil. Add four tablespoons of vitamin E oil and the contents of six vitamin A capsules. Regularly massage your skin with the mixture.
Mix some coconut oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter. Melt the mixture in a microwave or a double boiler. Finally, add a little vitamin E oil and apply it on your skin. This is a great homemade “belly butter” for preventing pregnancy stretch marks.
You can also add a few drops of orange oil in vitamin E oil and then apply it on your skin.

7. Try dry brushing
Dry brushing is great for your skin in many ways. It exfoliates the skin, opening the pores and removing the buildup of dead skin cells and dirt. This, in turn, helps the skin absorb moisturizing oils, creams, and lotions better. Dry brushing also stimulates circulation and helps mobilize fats and eliminate toxins.

1. Before bathing or showering, brush your bare skin with long, sweeping strokes toward the heart using a soft, natural bristle brush.

2. Do this for about five minutes, especially on your thighs, arms, abdomen, and buttocks, daily or every other day. Avoid brushing areas with delicate or sensitive skin.
As the name suggests, dry brushing must be done on dry and not wet skin. When purchasing the brush, opt for one that has a long handle so you can use it easily on hard-to-reach areas. You can find them in the bath section of any department store and in many drug stores.

8. Do not gain or lose weight rapidly
If you are working hard to lose some extra pounds, it is best not to lose more than one pound a week as rapid weight loss can leave you with ugly stretch marks. Similarly, rapid weight gain also can lead to stretch marks.
For example, they can appear during pregnancy or intense workouts to build muscles in a short amount of time. It is normal to gain about 22 to 28 pounds during pregnancy, but women should be careful about “eating for two” so as not to gain more weight than is necessary to support the baby’s development.
As for muscle building, stretch marks are more likely to appear when you lift heavy weights with low reps to bulk up quickly. So, to prevent stretch marks, build lean muscle mass by using moderately heavy weights and increasing the reps.

9. Exercise regularly
Regular, moderate exercise promotes circulation, which in turn nourishes the skin cells. Also, it tones the muscles and improves skin elasticity.
Furthermore, regular exercise helps regulate hormones and induces sweating to eliminate toxins from the body. Pregnant women can include light exercises or a workout designed for pregnant women in their routine after consulting their doctor.

10. Avoid prolonged use of corticosteroids
Frequent and prolonged use of topical corticosteroids, such as ointments and creams, is associated with a greater risk of developing permanent stretch marks. Such use can cause skin atrophy (thinning of the skin). So, it best to use these medications intermittently.

New HIV treatment to be introduced, it works with one pill

A single-pill HIV treatment is expected to be introduced in 2018 and is projected to save SA about R11bn over the following six years, the health ministry announced on Friday.
In a collaboration with international organisations and agencies, Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi reached the “breakthrough pricing agreement” which the ministry said would accelerate the availability of the first affordable, generic regimen containing antiretroviral dolutegravir.
“Apart from the financial savings, which will decrease pressure on our national fiscus, its introduction will also have significant benefits for patients,” ministry spokesperson Joe Maila explained in a statement.
“Dolutegravir is a highly effective antiretroviral, which is well tolerated by patients and has fewer side effects. Patients are therefore more likely to be adherent and more likely to be virally suppressed – which means that they are not likely to transmit the virus to others.”
At US$75 per person, per year, the new fixed dose combination will be available to low and middle-income countries at a reduced price, Maila said.
“The large volumes of ARVs purchased by South Africa were used to leverage the decrease in pricing that will benefit all low and middle income countries. The agreement is expected to accelerate treatment rollout as part of global efforts to reach all 36.7 million people living with HIV with high-quality antiretroviral therapy.”
According to the ministry, the HIV programme has grown in the last nine years from 923 000 people to 3.9m at the end of August.
Motsoaledi said the new dolutegravir-based fixed-dose combination will greatly benefit patients due to its “superior therapeutic qualities”.
“The considerable price reductions could yield savings of up to R11.7bn over the next six years for us, which means that we can initiate additional patients on treatment with the same amount of resources. Ramping up treatment with good viral suppression will enable us to reach HIV epidemic control more quickly. We are aiming at launching the new tender in April 2018.”

5 Tips To Help You Admit To Your Crush That You Like Them

Don’t be scared.

Ah. The difficult task of having to admit to your crush that you like them. You risk sounding like a complete idiot but if it all works out, then it could be the start of great things for the two of you. Don’t worry about it. You aren’t the only person in the world who would feel awkward when you thrust yourself into a situation like that. A lot of people are prone to looking like bumbling idiots who don’t know what they’re doing. Not everyone is going to be skilled with supreme confidence to be able to go through this social situation without shame or shyness. So you don’t have to worry about making a fool of yourself. In fact, if you play your cards right, your foolishness might come off as somewhat cute and endearing. Just make sure to always be honest and stay true to your feelings. Don’t do anything out of the ordinary and let your personality shine through.
Remember that people don’t die as a result of admitting to someone that they like them. You aren’t going to die. Your life isn’t going to end if things don’t go your way. You don’t have to worry about a thing. The worst case scenario is that you get shut down – yes, it’s going to hurt, but you’re going to be able to recover from this. And you have to know that the potential benefits are always going to outweigh the potential risks. It’s an absolutely exciting and anxious feeling that you’re going to get out of this experience. You don’t want to end up missing out on an opportunity for love with someone that you really like just because you were too afraid of failure or rejection. You have to learn to get over your fears eventually.
Yes, it can be hard to deal with rejection. But know that the torment of wondering about a lost opportunity is going to hurt you way more than rejection ever could. You don’t want to end up thinking “What if?” to yourself over and over again just because you were too chicken. And don’t worry about being completely lost on what you’re supposed to be doing. That’s what this article is for. Just read on until the end of this list and follow these tips to help you get over your fear and find the courage to actually admit your feelings to someone.

1. Make the admission in person.
For one, you’re going to come off as really brave for doing so in person. To resort to text messages or phone calls would be seen as a weak move.
In addition to that, you won’t have to worry about waiting for a reply if you make your admission in person. If you send it through text and your crush doesn’t reply right way, you are going to go crazy with anxiety.
If you admit to your crush that you like them in person, then you have the opportunity to actually witness how they’re going to react to your admission.

2. Ask your crush out on a date immediately after your admission.
Don’t take the passive approach to romance. Immediately follow your admission up with a call to action.
Show your crush that you are actually taking matters into your own hands and that you’re really putting yourself out there. Ask your crush out on a date and just hope for the best.
This way, you are also giving your crush the opportunity to really tell you about where they stand in regards to the idea of possibly dating you.

3. Don’t pressure them to respond to you right away.
Give your crush some space. Don’t expect them to automatically be able to give you a response to your admission.
Remember, the ball is in their court now. You’ve done your part and you are putting the pressure on them to respond to you. But you don’t want to overdo it with the pressure.
You don’t want to suffocate them into making a decision. Remember they have to really think about their feelings for you as well.

4. Don’t get too caught up in everything that you did or said.
Just stop thinking about it. Whatever happens is going to happen and you’re just going to have to be okay with that.
Regardless of whether you are going to get a date out of this, at least you tried. You won’t have to keep beating yourself up for not trying.
You did well because you were brave and that should be enough for you.

5. Look forward to the great things that are about to happen to you.
If your crush agrees to go on a date with you, then great! That’s the best case scenario and you have plenty of things to be excited about. If no dates come from your admission, then that’s fine. You still have plenty of opportunities in the future to tell future crushes that you like them.
Talk to me
How did you talk to your crush? Talk to me in the comments below!

Things Women Want Their Man To Do While Making Love

Saturday 7 October 2017

Practical Guides On How To Develop Your Weakness Into Strength

Two of the most important factors or determinant of a persons life is what we are about to discuss in this post.

To everyone is their own peculiarity that makes them different from others. We have all got our differences and these includes our strength and weaknesses.

In every phase of life, our strength and weaknesses are displayed and revealed.

In Academics - We tend to discover the subject we are good at and the ones that gives us tough time.

In Relationships - We tend to see where we aren't strong or able to maintain balance.

In Business - We see how far we can go, the kind of businesses that works for us and how much we can risk.

These are just to mention in few some of the aspects of life where strength and weaknesses are displayed.

» In decision making it is displayed

» On physical or energy level it is displayed

» Emotionally it is displayed

» Between peer groups it is displayed

So no one can claim to have been existing without weaknesses and that is why nobody has the right to intimidate you because of your weaknesses.

They complain you aren't good at this, yes but let them know they have got theirs too,

They complain you are not brave with things, yes but let them know it is just your weakness and they have got theirs.

Overcoming your weakness in life requires you to gather your inner strength, it needs you to know that it is a general phenomenon and not that you are the only disadvantaged person.

One of the crucial factors that kills the mind is when a picture is painted within you that a particular problem is unique to you, like you are the first to experience it.

But when you discover and admit that it is general, your strive becomes how to overcome it and stand out among many.

In few lines below, I will discuss briefly on how to build your weakness into strength and stand out among many.

So Below Are Guides For To Follow If You Want To Develop Your Weakness Into Strength

1. Accept Your Weakness :

One of the greatest step to solving issues like this is to first of all accept that you have got a weakness.

Accept those things you aren't good at, identify them and admit they are challenges to you. Until this time, you might not see them worthy of fighting or overcoming.

When you are done with this, you can now proceed to the next phase.

2. Spell Out The Harms They Carry :

Having spelt out your weakness, the next thing is for you to identify or list out the possible harms it is capable of causing to you.

You will definitely know that if one of your weakness is resisting ladies as a guy, your chances of going far in life or sustaining a good marriage is under maybe.

You will also accept that if your weakness is fear, you will find it difficult to speak at important places, display your strength and gain ground.

If you also have weakness in English as a subject, you will know it is compulsory course and has a chance of affecting you latter on.

So stating the harms this weakness can cause will reveal an urgent need for you to get rid of them.

3. Desire a Change and Be Determined :

Next to this is to desire a change, you have discovered what your weaknesses are and you have known, so the next thing is for you to disagree with its continuity.

Resolve to resisting it, desire a change in your personality and strive to turn that weakness into strength.

» If it is fear - desire boldness

» If it is poor mental ability - desire a good one

» If it is emotional weakeness - desire a strong one etc.

Say it that you mean it and be determined.

4. Implement The Change :

After doing all these things, strive to begin implementation. Work on yourself, come out of your shell and do things contrary to your weakness.

Put yourself to the test and try fighting it. Seek people who has passed through thnat phase of life and let them guide you, you might not see them in person but you can ask questions on google.

Fight your weakness with all focus and aim having in mind what you stand to gain at the end.

5. Be Consistent :

Know that your consistency matters, don't be tired even though the state of things will suggest it to you.

Sometimes it will seem like you are getting hard on yourself but yes, that is what you need.

Continue moving and don't feel relaxed, pray along side and you will get results.

Turning your weakness into strength might not be easy but will be when you are determined and ready for uplifting.

How to Approach a Girl For The First Time And Win her Over

Do you want to talk to a girl you don’t know? Here are few sure fire ways on how to approach a girl that will definitely help you make a great first impression.
Many guys find it difficult approaching a lady which I will say shouldn't be. Most guys approach ladies but with the wrong methodology and this is why they get a NO for an answer.
There are certain things to put in place via observation and study of the lady in question.
Walking up to a girl you’ve never spoken to before is like taking a dip in icy water.
It makes you nervous.
Your heart starts beating faster than you can count.
And your stomach inches closer to your tongue with each step you take.
But as a guy, knowing how to approach a girl is one of the most important things to know in the dating world.
Now I’m not going to make this any more difficult than you already assume it to be.
Yes, talking to a girl who’s a stranger is not easy.
But then again, if you know just how to do it without appearing like you’re picking her up, you’ll realize just how easy the whole game can be.
How to approach a girl you don’t know
Forget pick up lines, forget bumping into her, and every other *smart* move you’ve heard.
I’ll teach you to keep it simple, and help you win her heart even before you say ‘hello’.
Here’s the only tip that matters and you need to remember it for the rest of your dating life. Always let the girl know you want to talk to her before you even talk to her. Don’t make the mistake of approaching a girl out of the blue and asking her out. It almost always never works, unless you’re a smooth talker with the gift of gab.
If you’re a regular joe who wants to turn into a chick magnet, just follow these steps and you’ll win her attention before you finish your drink!

1. Getting her attention :
You need to let the girl know you’re going to approach her. So warm her up to that idea to begin with by using these steps.

I) Glance at her.
Look at her now and then just to let her know that you’re trying to catch her attention. Be sneaky and discreet, and always look away just as soon as she catches your eye. You’ll arouse her curiosity and that’ll force her to look at you now and then to see if you’re still watching her.

II) The eye contact.
Each time she looks at you, look at her and immediately look away sheepishly. Continue to look at her now and then, and once in a while, lock your gaze at her for a small fraction of a second and look away again. By doing this, you’re already building the sexual attraction. But if she doesn’t reciprocate here, she’s probably not interested in you.

III) Appear awkward.
If you’re with your friends, look at her now and then, but appear like your distracted and not able to focus on the conversation you’re having with your friends. By doing that, you’re making her see that she’s on your mind and you’re too distracted to focus on your friends. That’s subtle flattery!

IV) Smile at her.
Exchange eye contact now and then, one or two times every minute and no more than that, and when you feel pretty courageous, flash a tiny smile from the corner of your lip for a second, and let her notice your smile.
Don’t give her a big grin though, a malicious big grin at this stage will scare any girl away.
These moves are all about building the connection and letting her know you’re interested in her. And at the same time, it’ll also help you understand if she too is really interested in you. If she responds to your gestures similarly, it’s a sign that she’s interested in talking to you too.
But if she starts ignoring you at any point here, she’s probably not interested in you and you need to make your luck somewhere else.

2. How to start talking to the girl
Now that you’ve built the attraction and the chemistry, all you need to do is walk up to her and say something. Use these tips to approach her and start the right conversation.

V) Waiting for the moment.
Sometimes, all you need to do is wait for the girl to give you a chance to talk to her. If she’s really interested in you and wants to talk to you, she’d create enough opportunities for you to walk up to her. She could do this by walking to the ladies room alone, stepping away from her friends by answering a phone call, or even by just smiling at you and leaving the place.
It’s always easier to talk to a girl when she’s by herself. There are no distractions from her friends or awkward moments because she’s already expecting you to approach her. [Read: Things you can say to a girl while talking to her for the first time.

VI) Picking her up from afar.
Gesticulate. Use the right gestures to get her attention. This is tricky, but as long as you get the message across, it’ll still work as long as you do it confidently.
Look straight at her, and smile. Jerk your neck sideways just a little bit after you lock your eyes with her, and using your eyes, point her to the bar counter or some exit. Even if she doesn’t get it, you can walk up to the place you were pointing at by yourself, and she’ll know what you mean.
Not all girls may appreciate you gesticulating at her and asking her to walk up to you, but if you’ve built the chemistry from afar, she'd be more than happy to get away from her friends and give you a chance to talk to her.

VII) The group of girls.
Walk up to her with your gaze fixed on her confidently. Walk right into the herd, but look straight at her and only her. Look at anyone else, and the envious friends would pounce on you with snide remarks because you didn’t pick them to flirt with.
“Hey… I really don’t mean to interrupt you girls, but could I speak with you for a minute? I just won’t be able to forgive myself if I left this place without getting to know you…”
Use any line you want and it’ll work as long as you say it firmly, but remember to make her feel special by saying something that reveals how badly you want to get to know her. And unless her friends seem to take your side by nudging her towards you or by smiling widely, completely avoid looking at them. You’d only be asking for trouble.

VIII) Buy her a drink.
This is something that can work very well at a bar, as long as you’ve already built the eye staring up and roused her interest. Buy her the same drink she’s already having, and ask the waiter to offer it to her. The waiter will probably drop a corny and grand message like “the gentleman sitting over there would like to offer you this drink…”
When she accepts the drink and looks towards you smiling, that’s your cue. Don’t wait any longer or she’ll think you’re a coward. But if you buy her a drink without building the connection first, you’ll just come off as a creepy guy.

IX) A twosome.
If there are just two girls, walk right up to them while staring at the girl you like. If the girl’s interested in you too, her friend will slip away quietly with an excuse. But even if the friend decides to stay, just introduce yourself and say something similar to the line used in VII. But this time, include the girl’s friend in your conversation and make her feel good about herself too. But don’t forget to keep the focus on the girl you like!
Keep these conversation moves in mind and it’ll definitely do you good. But if you want to make sure it works all the time, build the tension and the mystery first with your glances and your eye contact. You’ll always end up impressing the girl even before you approach her.
Use these tips on how to approach a girl you don’t know and with a few attempts, you’ll have no trouble walking up to any girl you like and impressing her within minutes of making eye contact with her!

A round earth, Applicable lesson into our everyday life.

The Earth is round therefore when one part is reached by the sun, other parts are covered in darkness. A round earth makes it impossible for light/darkness to be everywhere at the same time. what lessons can we learn from it? Read this article

The light would surely come

Every disaster has an end

Instead of being pessimistic about your situation, look at the bright side. It’ll surely be over. Sooner or later, every disasters would surely pass away.

Your death doesn’t end the world

Don’t be suicidal because your burden could also be faced by others. If you’re able to pass through your burden, you could be of great help to others.

There’s always a difference beyond

When you’re feeling down all the time, it could be an indication that you need new people and feelings in your life. Look beyond your darkness and search for the light. Since we’re living in a round earth, there’ll surely be positive people to boost your mood.

Darkness will surely come 

Never be anxious

Darkness is inevitable. You can try to but you’ll never be able to fully avoid darkness so why  be anxious about it all the time. Everyone have experienced sadness in one way or the other so just as you were able to pass through your former experiences, keep being hopeful that you’ll overcome the next.

You being in the light could be a solution for those in the dark

By the time you remember that we’re applying the principle we get from the round earth, you’ll surely know that people may be in need of your help. Help anyone in any way you can. Show your light to everyone. Let me give an illustration of WiFi networks. When you’re in your house, the network may be weaker than when you’re in your friend’s house. Your friend allowing you to stay for a longer time at his/her place may be of great help to you. This act of kindness means he/she is extending the light to you.

Save for the rainy days

We all know how the ants gather their foods at the time of surplus and consume them at the time of need. Now that you’re in a better situation than before, try to avoid the impact of any negative situation that would soon come (recall that it’s inevitable). Save money so you won’t become broke, save food so you won’t become hungry, invest so you’d have more in the future.

A round earth means that the light doesn’t last forever

Enjoy the enjoyable time you have now. Don’t let anxiety steal off your joy and don’t worry too much. Always be optimistic. Never be pessimistic.